Bioeconomy SilicoLife in the 40 Hottest Small Companies in Advanced Bioeconomy Ana Almeida Nov 12, 2014 SilicoLife is one of the 40 Hottest Small Companies in Advanced Bioeconomy, according to the first Biofuels Digest ranking. The Hot 40 recognized innovation and achievement in... continue reading
Awards Codacy just won the Web Summit’s Beta category pitch competition Daniela Monteiro Nov 6, 2014 Codacy, the Portugal-based startup with offices in Lisbon, London and San Francisco, just won the Beta category pitch competition in the Web Summit. The company provides an... continue reading
Events Lisbon Challenge Demo Day & Investor Day are coming Barbora Piatrová Nov 6, 2014 What´s up Challengers! If you are familiar with the hot startup events for the rest of 2014, then you have heard of Lisbon Challenge. The Portuguese emerging startup capital... continue reading
Aerospace European Space Agency opens a Business Incubation Center in Portugal Rafael Pires Oct 30, 2014 Portugal is part of the European Space Agency (ESA) since 2000 and the impact of it indicates that about 60 companies and nearly 20 Portuguese universities have already... continue reading
Food Pizza Hut closes deal with SIMI to bring digital menus to their costumers Daniela Monteiro Oct 28, 2014 Digital menus and software for restaurant management are far away from being news. What could be news would be a company selling its restaurant software to a big brand, let’s... continue reading
Featured Veniam’Works transforms more than 400 Buses into free Wi-Fi Hotspots Rafael Pires Oct 23, 2014 We live in an interconnected world where Wi-Fi is, more than ever, something we can't live without. From last September on, and at least during an experimental 6-month period,... continue reading
Events Google stops by Porto for the first Web Business Saloon, powered by 7Graus Inês Silva Oct 22, 2014 At the very first Web Business Saloon, powered by 7Graus, Diego Banega, Business Development Manager at Google, shared with a group of local entrepreneurs, digital marketers and... continue reading
Exits AnubisNetworks acquired by BitSight Technologies Ana Almeida Oct 21, 2014 The acquisition of AnubisNetworks, a Portuguese startup operating in the Internet Security Industry, by BitSight Technologies was announced today. In this acquisition are included... continue reading
Events The teams of Energia de Portugal 2014 Inês Silva Oct 21, 2014 For the 3rd year in a row, Energia de Portugal (EdP), a joint initiative of Expresso and EDP will be happening in Lisbon, as we told you before. Yesterday, we were at the launch... continue reading
Events Energia de Portugal 2014 kicking off Daniela Monteiro Oct 17, 2014 Energia de Portugal is a joint initiative of Expresso, a reference communication media in Portugal, and EDP, the leading energy company in the country. The project started in 2012... continue reading
Oct 4, 2024 Startup Valencia to host one of Europe’s leading conferences on entrepreneurship and startups this October