After an intense bootcamp week in Lisbon, 12 international startups are selected to join the Protechting accelerator.
The jury, composed of representatives from Fidelidade, Fosun, Luz Saúde, and Hauck & Aufhäuser, selected the 12 startups that will move on to the acceleration phase and will have the opportunity to develop a pilot project within the companies of the Fosun Group.

Jorge Magalhães Correia
“The Protechting program is already a reference in the international context,” said Jorge Magalhães Correia, President of the Fidelidade Group.
“With this third edition, we not only reinforce the brand appeal we have been creating, but also support the development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Portugal. Incorporating the external and innovative vision of the startups that integrate this project is fundamental for us,” he added.
The 12 startups that made it through to the acceleration phase are:
- HUMANOO (Insurtech)
- RNTERS (Insurtech)
- GISTEK (Insurtech)
- COPSONIC (Fintech)
- WALL-I TV (Fintech)
- MEDICSEN (Healthtech)
- SKINSOUL (Healthtech)
- CRIAMTECH (Healthtech)
- CARDIAMO (Healthtech)
- BAYLIFETECH (Healthtech)
- TMASS (Healthtech)
This phase of the program will run from July to October.
“We launched Protechting with Fidelidade three years ago,” said Li Haifeng, senior vice president of the Fosun Group Today during the announcement.
“We are happy to see Portugal becoming a reference point for the development of startups in Europe. More and more European unicorns are growing in Portugal, more and more partners are joining us at Protechting,” he added.
In the bootcamp week, 22 teams from 10 different countries (Germany, China, Spain, the United States, Finland, France, Mozambique, Ukraine, United Kingdom and Portugal) participated, where they had the opportunity to improve their business models thanks to the support of specialists from Fosun, Fidelidade, Luz Saúde and Hauck & Aufhäuser, with the goal of moving to the acceleration phase.
“No matter what the outcome, the way to be a successful entrepreneur is never easy, but Protechting will be an important milestone in the development of startups,” said José Chui, CEO of Parafuturo of Macao Investment and Development, a partner institution of Protechting.
Protechting is a startup accelerator, powered by Beta-I, one of Europe main innovation & entrepreneurship organizations.